Assan Njie vs. Morten Djursaa
I går aftes var der øretæver i luften i Göteborg.
The Zone FC 10 løb af stablen i det svenske, og som tidligere omtalt her på siden, havde vi en dansker med i en af aftenens titelkampe.
Assan Njie og Ivan Truscek var stævnets oprindelige Main Event, men da Truscek måtte trække sig med en skade, blev Morten Djursaa kaldt ind med et par ugers varsel.

Kampen gjalt The Zone FC's ledige Welterweight titel, så det var en stor chance og udfordring for Odenseanske Morten Djursaa.'s content partner var på pletten i går aftes med Play-by-Play dækning og et kamera.
Her er deres udlægning af kampen:
Round 1 – Big punches from Njie to start it off, then brings it down for a guillotine attempt, but doesn’t get it. The Danish fighter is battling, where usually Njie finishes his specialty submission by now. After surviving his third attempt he takes Njies back.
Wow, what a reversal! Looks like he may have the Swede in trouble. Two minutes and 45 seconds for the Swede to try and survive, as he’s not usually on his back. Njie tries rolling through, but the Danish fighter stays on top. Assan now gets out, but Morten looks confident standing.
The Danish fighter tries an up-kick, but Njie’s looping punches seem just one punch away from a KO. The fight goes to the ground, and Njie thinks twice before trying another guillotine. The fight goes back to the feet, and the two exchange punches.

Round 2 - Njie looks for the big left hook. The two are standing and trading. Seems like a dangerous game for both, as they swing away. Good stright for Assan, but in the clinch it looks like Djursaa pulling Njie into two knees.
Kakai is yelling out instructions to teammate Njie from the press area… how unprofessional… oh yea, he’s not press.

The fight has turned into a stand-up punching affair, but Njie takes the fight to the ground, but Morten kicks away and the fight is back on the feet. ”Assan” chants start, but it really sounds like “awesome”, which is pretty awesome.
Rare to see someone push the Swede like this as he has been dispatching all comers. This late replacement came to fight, and lnads a big knee on Njie as the round ends. Morten lands big knee at end of round.

Round 3 – After taking a few punches, Assan goes for a double-leg and finishes against the cage. Assan is on top, and goes for his guillotine again… looks tight, but so have others. The Danish fighter battles through it, and the fight goes back to the feet.
The two exchange punches, but the pace has really slowed. Njie at least has the double-leg take-down in his back pocket, which he pulls out again. But the fight gets back to the feet. Big kick by the Danish fighter to the head. Flying knee attempt. Njie battles back to end the round.
Assan wins by decision. 30-27 on all scorecards.

Morten kæmpede en flot kamp, men desværre rakte det ikke til en sejr denne gang. Morten var undervejs tæt på at afgøre kampen før tid, men manglede marginalerne.
De svenske tilskuere havde før kampen ikke den store fidus til Morten, men et stædigt fighterhjerte og Mortens vanlige høje klasse fik de svenske tilskuere op af stolene. Der var respekt til Morten i Göteborg, og der er respekt til Morten her fra - Godt kæmpet Morten!
Vi siger tak til Ryan O'Leary fra for billeder og Play-by-Play.
Kig forbi for mere omkring The Zone FC i de kommende dage.

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