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UFC 137: Josh Koschec replaces Sanchez
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EMNE: UFC 137: Josh Koschec replaces Sanchez

UFC 137: Josh Koschec replaces Sanchez 13 år, 6 måneder siden #4278

  • Kaoshjerte
  • Champion
  • In Kaoshjerte we trust; to do what has to be done.
  • Indlæg: 1366
  • Karma: 8

Guess who's (potentially) back?

After Diego Sanchez went down with a broken hand, it appears former welterweight title challenger and fellow veteran of The Ultimate Fighter (TUF) season one, Josh Koscheck, has tentatively accepted a fight against Matt Hughes at UFC 135.

Everyone's favorite blonde-topped wrestler said as much on Twitter moments ago:

" Got a fight in 21 days b*tches. ... Oh ya 19 days then or something like that!!!! Either way it looks like I am in to fight matt Hugh if he takes it????"
Jacob 'Kaoshjerte' Nielsen

"Without a struggle, there can be no progress."
Sidste redigering: 13 år, 6 måneder siden af Kaoshjerte.

Sv: UFC 137: Josh Koschec replaces Diaz 13 år, 6 måneder siden #4305

  • Kaoshjerte
  • Champion
  • In Kaoshjerte we trust; to do what has to be done.
  • Indlæg: 1366
  • Karma: 8
Det er altid uendeligt morsomt at se Kos få sultan smadder!!!

Hughes camp er en af de få amerikanske camps jeg virkelig godt ville besøge
Jacob 'Kaoshjerte' Nielsen

"Without a struggle, there can be no progress."

Sv: UFC 137: Josh Koschec replaces Diaz 13 år, 6 måneder siden #4327

  • JSB
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Mener du ikke Sanchez i din overskrift?
I am not impressed by your performance.

Sv: UFC 137: Josh Koschec replaces Diaz 13 år, 6 måneder siden #4332

  • Kaoshjerte
  • Champion
  • In Kaoshjerte we trust; to do what has to be done.
  • Indlæg: 1366
  • Karma: 8
JSB skrev:
Mener du ikke Sanchez i din overskrift?

Jo, selvfølgelig!!!
Jacob 'Kaoshjerte' Nielsen

"Without a struggle, there can be no progress."
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Moderatorer: Badboydk
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